Gwen Harden

Gwen Harden

Gwen (Gwenneth J.) Harden was a botanist at the University of New England, James Cook University and at the National Herbarium of New South Wales (at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney). She graduated from the University of New England with M.Sc. in botany and she is an Honorary Research Associate at the Botanic Gardens Trust Sydney. Gwen was awarded an OAM in 2004 for her services to botany as a researcher, publisher, conservationist and educator.

While at the Gardens (from 1980 to 2001) Gwen co-ordinated the Flora of New South Wales project and was the editor and chief contributor to the 4-volume publication and later revisions. She continued her interest in rainforest floristics and was involved in advising and monitoring the regeneration of rainforest remnants in areas, such as Wingham Brush (N.S.W.).

Gwen was involved in the Ecofest schools (run by the Department of Continuing Education at the University of New England) from the early 1970s in inland N.S.W., north-eastern N.S.W. and southern Qld. For these schools she prepared and co-authored plant lists and illustrated identification guides so that many (both professional and amateurs) could share in her love for, and appreciation of, the diversity and ecology of native plants. The field guides prepared and co-authored with John Williams and Bill McDonald for the rainforest workshops in the late 1970s and 80s were later published as the the “Red and Green Books”.

In 2001 the project expanded, Terry Tame and Hugh and Nan Nicholson were invited to join and assist in the production of interactive keys and information packages for computers and mobile devices. Gwen was the project leader, she compiled species descriptions, glossary and feature explanations and provided the line illustrations for the species and the distinguishing features. After Terry resigned from the project in 2012, Gwen reluctantly took on the computer component of the project.

Gwen is now retired to northern New South Wales and continues as the project leader for updating apps, Rainforest Plants of Australia.